La Oficina de Relaciones Internacionales informa que está abierta la convocatoria del ALPIP project para realizar estudios en el Politecnico di Torino en Italia.

As you know the ALPIP project offers Latin American students the possibility to hold a scholarship and other facilities to graduate at Politecnico di Torino attending, starting from the second semester of the first year, the Laurea Specialistica/Magistrale in Engineering or Architecture. This year the ALPIP Programme has reached its 6th edition and we are pleased to inform you that the Call for Application for the Master of Science (Laurea Specialistica) has been published today. Therefore, we invite you to check our web site to receive further information such as this year's academic offer, application requirements, deadlines and other useful data.

Please note that the deadline for applying to the scholarship is November 20th, 2006 at 5pm (Italian time).

We would be pleased if you could circulate this information among your students so that those who are interested are able to apply within the deadline.

We thank you for your cooperation.


International Relations Office
Politecnico di Torino
Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 30
10129 TORINO Italy
Tel 011-564 6155/6368/6286 Fax 011-5646160