- MUSIC, VIDEOS AND BOOKS:  - MUSIC: The English singer-songwriter CONOR MAYNARD and his 2013 song: “LIFT OFF”   - VIDEO: A very funny movie from the 2014 South By South West Film Festival and the 2014 Official Selection of the Tribeca Film Festival: “CHEF”, withJon Favreau, Dustin Hoffman, Sofia Vergara and John Leguizamo. Directed by Jon Favreau.  – BOOK: “BENTO’S SKETCHBOOK” by John Berger.

- EDUCATIONAL TIPS: Invitación a presentar ponencias para el VI Coloquio Internacional sobre Investigación en Lenguas Extranjeras, convocado por la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, sede Bogotá.    ILEX info: - Inicio curso de francés, abril 21. – Postulación a becas para el curso de Chino-Dialecto Mandarín que inicia abril 26.

- IT’S KIDS TIME: “RIO 2”, directed by Carlos Saldanha.

- OUR SPECIAL GUEST: Interview with teacher John Mario Ríos about ILEX’s intensive courses.

- OUR CLASSICS: The British rock band that formed in 1967, GENESIS and their 1983 song: “THAT’S ALL”