El taller estuvo destinado a tratar la temática: “Pronunciation: Production, Comprehension, and Implication” y contó además con la asistencia de profesores del programa de Licenciatura en Lengua Inglesa y de candidatos a docentes interesados en ser parte del equipo de colaboradores.

“For most of the history of language teaching, teachers and students alike have seen the development of oral skills in L2 as one of the main goals of language learning. However, sometimes some important aspects of the communicative competence such as pronunciation tend to be overlooked, resulting in a misleading perception of pronunciation limited to the production of sounds in L2. Pronunciation must be seen as a rather complex area that includes both segmental and suprasegmental elements, which have a tremendous impact on oral skills. Not only does better pronunciation lead to better speaking skills but also to better listening comprehension skills, hence boosting learners' levels of confidence. Participants will be part of an interactive workshop in which various elements of pronunciation will be addressed, focusing on the practical applications of such elements in the ELT classroom”, manifestó el dr. John Andrade en su exposición.

El Instituto de Lenguas Extranjeras ILEX capacita constantemente a su equipo de facilitadores con el objetivo de lograr estándares altos de calidad que siempre han caracterizado a la UTP.