- MUSIC, VIDEOS AND BOOKS:  Song: The French singer Isabelle Geffroy known as ZAZ and her song: "Prends garde à ta langue"


Video: A great movie winner of the Sundance Film Festival: “THE SESSIONS”. Directed by: Ben Lewin.

Book: “Unbroken” by Laura Hillenbrand.


- OUR SPECIAL GUEST: Teacher Edgar Fernando Riascos Vallejo, a secondary school teacher at Instituto Santuario , in Santuario, Risaralda, talking about some unusual tips about the English language.


- IT KIDS TIME: From creative genius Tim Burton, the film: “FRANKENWEENIE”.


- NOW AND THEN: From the Voice of America Special English News Report, the podcast:

 “Scientists May Have Found 'God Particle'”


- EDUCATIONAL TIPS: Professor Frank Giraldo was selected to travel to Norwich, England, to participate in a course about didactic materials and curriculum development.


- OUR CLASSICS: The American singer-songwriter Chaka Khan and her 1983 song Ain't Nobody"


- ILEX info: - Examen de clasificación de inglés: Inscripciones en línea a través del sitio web del ILEX: www.utp.edu.co/ilex

- Examen Remedial de Inglés: martes 17 de julio.


Every Saturday morning from 10:30 to 11:00 am. Universitaria Estéreo 88.2 FM