- MUSIC, VIDEOS AND BOOKS: Song: A duo from Brazil Carlos & Jader and their song: “SOU FODA”.
Video: A great comedy: “What to Expect When You’re Expecting” with Cameron Diaz, Jennifer Lopez. Directed by: Kirk Jones.
Book: “The Twelve” by William Gladstone.
- NOW AND THEN: VOA podcast related to the preparations to Oympic Games titled: “Counting Down to the Olympic Crowds in London”
- DID YOU KNOW THAT…? Some literary facts from the website: didyouknow.org
- IT KIDS TIME: A Disney’s Pixar movie: “Brave”, directed by Mark Andrews and Brenda Chapman.
- OUR CLASSICS: The Colombian group SANALEJO and their 2005 song: “EL DIABLO”
- ILEX info: El Instituto de Lenguas Extranjeras, ILEX, informa a toda la comunidad universitaria que están abiertas las inscripciones para los cursos en modalidad de extensión de: FRANCÉS II, PORTUGUÉS I, ALEMAN I, ITALIANO I, INGLÉS adolescentes V e INGLÉS adolescentes I.
Mayores informes: Tel. 3215782 – 3137433
Every Saturday morning from 10:30 to 11:00 am. Universitaria Estéreo 88.2 FM