- MUSIC, VIDEOS AND BOOKS: Song: The Brazilian singer, songwriter
Gusttavo Lima and his song: “BALADA BOA”
Video: “A little bit of heaven” Directed by Nicole Kassell.
Book: “Luka and the Fire of Life” by Salman Rushdie.
- ILEX info: Convocatoria profesores de inglés.
- EDUCATIONAL TIPS: - A podcast from the BBC Learning English series
Ask about English with the differences between the words: pain, ill,
ache, sick and hurt, and their use.
- Invitation to the 8º Encuentro de Universidades Formadoras de
Licenciados en Idiomas, to be held on March 30th and 31st at the
Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira.
- IT KIDS TIME: The short story: “The Wolf Plays the Flute for the Clever Lamb”
- OUR CLASSICS: The American band Exile and their 1978 song “KISS YOU ALL OVER”
- ILEX info. Abierta convocatoria para profesores de INGLÉS.
Every Saturday morning from 10:30 to 11:00 am. Universitaria Estéreo 88.2 FM