This Saturday October 8 in “UTP’s Radio Magazine”:


- MUSIC, VIDEOS AND BOOKS:  Song:      Funk Boutique featuring Elite with their 2011 dance hit “ONE NIGHT STAND”

Video:  An action-adventure movie: “Drive”, directed by Nicolas Winding Refn.

Book:   A fiercely compelling and damning novel about the corrosive effects of shame and life: “Purge”, by the Nordic writer Sofi Oksanen.


- NOW AND THEN: VOA podcast: “Learning First Aid: What to Do until Medical Care Arrives” Part I


- IT’S KIDS TIME:  The film “Snowmen”, directed by Robert Kirbyson. Winner of the Tribeca Film Festival.


- OUR SPECIAL GUEST: Four ILEX students reading some fables. Julián Andrés Gálviz and Luis Fernando Salazar with the fable: “The grasshopper and the ant”. María Fernanda Benavides and Rafael Bernal with the fable: “The hare and the tortoise”

- OUR CLASSICS: The American guitarist, musician, singer, author, reserve police officer and activist: Ted Nugent and his 1977 song “CAT SCRATCH FEVER”

- ILEX info: - El Instituto de Lenguas Extranjeras, ILEX, informa a toda la comunidad educativa que la fecha de finalización de clases se amplía hasta el 16 de octubre.

- Inscripciones para el Examen Remedial de inglés (Remedial Test): Octubre 19, 20 y 21  (en la sala H.303) Fecha del examen: jueves 27 de octubre de 2011.

- Inscripciones para el Examen de Suficiencia – Requisito de Grado: Octubre 18 al 25 (Ofc. ILEX   -  H 409) Fecha del examen: Martes 1 de Noviembre – 2011. Mayores informes: tel. 3215782.


Every Saturday morning from 10:30 to 11:00 am.

Universitaria Estéreo 88.2 FM
