This Saturday October 1 in “UTP’s Radio Magazine”:
- MUSIC, VIDEOS AND BOOKS:  Song:      A singer/songwriter born in Israel but grown up in Colombia: Ella Fuksbrauner. From her new album INK the song: “TE DIRÉ”.Video:  A great movie based on Alexandre Dumas' classic novel: “The Three Musketeers”, directed by Paul W.S. Anderson.Book:   “MY HUSBAND’S SWEETHEARTS” by Bridget Asher.
- EDUCATIONAL TIPS: VOA podcast: “Emotion in words”.
- IT’S KIDS TIME:  Some good jokes for children.

- OUR SPECIAL GUEST: Five ILEX students from Universidad del Área Andina and from Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira: Maryury Quiceno, Constanza Marín, Daniela Hincapié, Laura Contreras and Daniela Cano, performing the sketch: “World Record”

- OUR CLASSICS: An English alternative rock band formed in 1994: Republica, and their song ”READY TO GO”.

- ILEX info: El Instituto de Lenguas Extranjeras, ILEX, informa a toda la comunidad educativa que la fecha de finalización de clases se amplía hasta el 16 de octubre.

Every Saturday morning from 10:30 to 11:00 am.
Universitaria Estéreo 88.2 FM
